

Everyone loves dogs. Even if you're a cat lover, you love dogs. That's because dogs are infinitely better than cats. Duh. I will go out on a limb and say that cat lovers only love cats because they haven't bought a puppy yet. This post isn't about cats, though. Fuck cats, I've wrote enough about those pussies.

Why are dogs so awesome? Simple; because they're not cats! Fuck cats. Did I already say that? Fuck! Cats.

Cats shit in a box. Dogs don't shit in a box.
Dogs: 1  Cats: 0

Cats have fur. Dogs have fur. Dogs have better, softer fur. Stripes are for pussies, anyway.
Dogs: 2  Cats: 0

Cats cough up hairballs. Dogs do not. However, dogs do shed their fur. Fuck it, dogs win. I'm the judge, bitch. Go buy a lint roller.
Dogs: 15  Cats: 0

Cats scratch the shit out of your furniture. Dogs.. don't do that, either.
Dogs: 16  Cats: 0

Cats don't do shit. Dogs fetch sticks.
Dogs: 21  Cats: 0

My judging is over. Except for those fucking cat owners. I will judge them forever for being the pussies they are.

"Oh, look at my kitty, she's playing with her yarn!"

Bitch, please. Your cat is trying to attack a piece of fucking string. Here, let me throw this lint roller at her and see if she "plays" with it. Fucking pussies.

Garfield loving motherfuckers.

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